Gesangsaufnahmen 3

Über dieses Album
es sind verschiedene Gesangsaufnahmen von 2019 bis mitte 2020...there are various vocal recordings from 2019 to mid-2020 ....Danke an alle Mitwirkenden......Thanks to all contributors
erstellt von
on 15.02.2021
Daumen: 6
Hörer: 439 x
es sind verschiedene Gesangsaufnahmen von 2019 bis mitte 2020...there are various vocal recordings from 2019 to mid-2020 ....Danke an alle Mitwirkenden......Thanks to all contributors

Daumen: 6
Hörer: 439 x

Thanks Rolf
+1Review von khangurumc am 19.02.2021
I am really honored to be part of your album with such great musicians,Thank you Rolf.

Nice compilation
+1Review von bassman78fr am 17.02.2021
Congratulations peatric for this opus full of great songs. And thank you for including two of my contributions.

Wonderful Collection of Music and Song
+1Review von bluvation am 15.02.2021
I'm honored to be included in this wonderful collection of music and songs Rolf. Your awesome talent and versatile presence on each of these tracks make it a very special album.

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