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Where to find the Legal Note and official contact addresses?

Where to find the Legal Note and official contact addresses?

Legally relevant links & "Impressum" of wikiloops.com

Below you will find hyperlinks to the relevant legal documents ruling your use of wikiloops.com,
and to the documents ruling the optional services offered on wikiloops.com, which will only be relevant if you are making use of the optional services.

The item "Impressum" leads to a page offering information on the company which is operating wikiloops.com, including the street address and the responsible personnel of the wikiloops media UG (haftungsbeschränkt), germany.
Presenting these details (= the "Impressum") on a separate page is mandatory thing to easily identify publishers, which is required by german law.

Impressum & business contact

Legal documents relevant to anyone using wikiloops
Terms of use
Data privacy policy

Legal documents relevant for optional, additional service purchases
Service terms "basic unlimited" membership upgrade
Service terms "premium collaborator" membership upgrade
Service terms "basic download ticket"
Service terms "premium download ticket"

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