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Album .zip-downloads with included cover artwork

Album .zip-downloads with included cover artwork

Mobile device users:

Please be sure that your mobile device is able to handle .zip files before downloading a .zip-packaged album.
If this is not the case, download the tracks one-by-one by skipping thru the albums tracks and using the download button offered in the album players button panel.

Auf dieser Seite:

Downloading wikiloops albums

wikiloops members and guests who purchase a download ticket may download wikiloops albums, which are offered as .zip archive file downloads which contain the albums tracks in .mp3 format and a ready-to-print .pdf cover.

To download a wikiloops Album, click on the "download album"-button offered on the right side of the albums page, and confirm the request in the opened download dialogue which pops up.

A sample preview of the included .pdf covers can be found here.

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