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Setting up your user profile

Setting up your user profile

How to access the profile editing page

After signing in to your user account, follow these steps:

Navigate to your user profile by clicking on your username in the top navigation bar.
On your profile, click on the "Edit profile" button offered on the right side of the profiles head area.
On the edit profile page, make the desired changes and confirm them by clicking on the "save changes" button.
A success message is displayed at the top of the screen, you are done.
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Recommended profile information

You are free to make use of the offered profile customization options as you like,
but we would like to point out the relevance of certain options and recommend you use them if you are planning to become an active collaborator on wikiloops:

Choosing an avatar image
This image will be displayed to resemble you, whenever you write a comment, are mentioned in a newsfeed notice or take part in a collaboration. Having a distinct and easy to recognize avatar has a very strong impact in giving other users a way to recognize you.
Thoughts like "That guy with the pink elephant avatar plays a mean ..." might stick around longer in peoples memory than your username, so treat your avatar like a personal trademark.
You may upload images in .jpg, .png and .gif file format. Animated gif's are allowed but the animation will only be displayed in the forum and on your profile.

Choosing a country flag
We love to collaborate across long distances, and knowing your collaboration partners are located on various continents is somehow cool.
To be able to provide that information, we are asking you to pick your preferred flag.
Your chosen flag will be displayed on your profile and in collaborations you join, and is also delivering the information used to offer browsing members by country in the member search tool.
Last, the world-map display of the wikiloops radio player also makes use of the chosen flag information.

Choosing a profile banner image
The banner image is a great way to customize your profile, but also has the additional purpose of serving as the preview image of your tracks when they are shared on social networks like facebook.

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Profile information privacy

Any personal information entered on the "edit profile"-page except your password and your email address will become available to all visitors of wikiloops regardless of having a members account,
so care should be taken not to offer any information that should not be publicly available. For example, we would definitly not recommend stating your email or street address in one of the publicly visible profile fields.

The "biography"-, "recording setup"- and "instruments"-fields, your birthday and websites will be displayed in the "about me"-tab of your profile.
The "location"-text-fields content will show up in the head area of your profile below your username along with the chosen flag,
and the three images will show up in the profiles head area.
Please refer to the previous paragraph to be familiar with other uses of your chosen flag, avatar image and profile banner.

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Image galleries & showcase for tracks and albums

These features are only offered within the upgraded membership plans and are covered in detail in the "Setting up your Showcase"-article.

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Wikiloops is my Music Wonderland, it's only take a few days till you get addicted! I'm so lucky to finally found this place.

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