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Keeping track of my own interaction history

Keeping track of my own interaction history

How to get back to the track I forgot to bookmark?

The way of accessing ones own interaction history which is covered in this article is only available to logged in users.
Non-Members who are interested in creating a temporary list of bookmarks while surfing wikiloops should continue reading about Bookmarks.

Logged in users can access their own log of tracks they recently liked or commented on by following these steps:

Visit your user profile by clicking on your username in the top navigation bar of wikiloops
In the "News"-tab, choose the "show my recent activity"-option in the menu at the very top of your newsfeed.
The list of tracks you recently liked or commented on appears below the menu.
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I think that Wikiloops is the dream that every musician had ever... to share ideas and projects, even is a form of collective learning, fusion of styles, good atmosphere among friends, always with respect...

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