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Editing a track you uploaded

Editing a track you uploaded

Accessing the track editing page to change a track you uploaded

This article covers how to change any track-related data such as the chosen categories, the tracks title, keywords for text-search indexing, description text, chord information and such.

The only things which can not be changed once a track has been published are the assigned track ID, the audio file itself and changing the license after a wikiloops public license has been granted.
Should you have accidentally uploaded the wrong audio file, you will have to remove the uploaded track and re-upload the correct file in a newly started upload process.
This is necessary to make sure the track IDs remain as valid identifiers of audio files and also become unavailable when the identified track becomes unavailable.

To access the track editing page, follow these steps:

Navigate to the full-page view of the track you want to edit, either by entering the track ID number into the search panel or by clicking on the hyperlinked track ID number as shown in the top right corner of track listings on your user profile.
Click on the "Edit Track"-button displayed right of the tracks title.
Edit the track in the offered form, then confirm by clicking "save changes" at the bottom of the page when done.
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