Whitby to Scarborough..in 3 minutes
An idea after a clifftop coastal walk I did on Friday, walking from Whitby to Scarborough (20 miles). Starting at Whitby, I heard seagulls, sea waves, passed a couple of shipwrecks, an old WW2 radar comms station (perhaps haunted?), and even saw a poisonous snake (an adder). The plodding beat, tried to simulate the constant walking, cymbal rolls for wave effects, cowbell..yes I passed loads of cows...and a bus (not train) back to my campsite..I guess this sound is reminiscent ...
16. Juli 2018 um 22:02

16. Juli 2018 um 22:13

Thanks Shi...i didnt have time for ice cream sadly..just a beer..fish and chips...bus home and sleep! It took 9 hours!! :o
17. Juli 2018 um 09:41

16. Juli 2018 um 22:08

very cool brother::D i got it but won't be till another day. supper for me . look this is you walking and dancing:Y
16. Juli 2018 um 22:15

16. Juli 2018 um 22:21

Oh yeah fantastic beat and summary! Something similar happened to me walking around Edinburgh here ... #142063 ;) (in two minutes...he he)
17. Juli 2018 um 13:41

17. Juli 2018 um 13:55

16. Juli 2018 um 23:13

17. Juli 2018 um 13:41

16. Juli 2018 um 23:22

Oh wow -absolute piledriver of a rhythm Paul! Love the story you tell with it too. Definitely getting my walking boots on for this!
17. Juli 2018 um 21:58

Thanks mate, the story was real! i've got sunburn and a few aches to prove it...your adds were great man, along with all the others! :D
17. Juli 2018 um 22:19

Oh believe you alright (well, even if I harbour a sneaking suspicion you spend most of the time with the donkeys) but I was really referring to the sound effects you threw in along the away to mark the journey :)
22. Juli 2018 um 20:27

Ha ha! well it was a cliff walk..the beach was about a few hundred feet below...sadly! :) :|
17. Juli 2018 um 07:45

17. Juli 2018 um 13:42

17. Juli 2018 um 08:07

17. Juli 2018 um 13:43

17. Juli 2018 um 10:31

You doing a separate piece about the beer, I presume? Fantastic beat. Those bloody gulls get everywhere, don't they?B)
17. Juli 2018 um 13:44

ha ha, thanks! Well there is a sample of quick beer slurp..but that's an idea actually! hmm..Yes the gulls are a nuisance! nice in small numbers but they are overrun with them, they make a terrible mess and noise!
17. Juli 2018 um 15:15

17. Juli 2018 um 20:47

17. Juli 2018 um 15:40

17. Juli 2018 um 20:47

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