Sand Dunes
Just a simple dance tune...have fun. Time for you bass players to hit the fat strings, and get those funky geetars out! :)
8. August 2018 um 00:24

Damn you - I can't do another 2am'er! Fantastic tune though Paul- I _will_ be coming for this! :Y :D :Y
8. August 2018 um 00:27

not on a school night! thanks fella! Yep, will look forward to hearing your grooves on this! :)
8. August 2018 um 21:09

You missed the video of you dancing at the same time! :O :D [img][/img]
8. August 2018 um 21:55

8. August 2018 um 22:00

8. August 2018 um 22:05

13. August 2018 um 23:18

I had to take the time to come and congratulate you for your awesome electronic work, it is fertile ground for bass players and vocalists for sure
14. August 2018 um 21:43

Thank you very much Juseef. I appreciate that. I do more than just electronic stuff, as I'm a traditional drummer, but I like doing something different. The dance stuff allows movement for the bass and guitars..lots of fun! :);)
7. August 2018 um 22:52

7. August 2018 um 22:59

7. August 2018 um 22:56

7. August 2018 um 23:42

7. August 2018 um 23:56

8. August 2018 um 01:28

8. August 2018 um 18:58

8. August 2018 um 06:53

8. August 2018 um 18:59

8. August 2018 um 16:56

8. August 2018 um 19:10

Electronic Sessions mit Drums and Percussion:
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