Thought I'd toss some Erhu in from my EWI on this fun one from Paul :)
Cool stuff Paul :)
17. Dezember 2018 um 19:01

17. Dezember 2018 um 19:34

17. Dezember 2018 um 21:21

17. Dezember 2018 um 23:30

18. Dezember 2018 um 13:01

absolutely brilliant from you Mark, a fantastic idea, sound great man! always a pleasure to jam!! ;)
18. Dezember 2018 um 16:38

18. Dezember 2018 um 16:40

18. Dezember 2018 um 14:09

18. Dezember 2018 um 15:30

18. Dezember 2018 um 13:00

20. Dezember 2018 um 18:06

25. Dezember 2018 um 01:05

Electronic Sessions mit Drums, Percussion and andere Blasinstr.:
Beliebteste Electronic:
Wide Open
A Brief Respite (drums added)
Six T B Boy Celebrate
While We're Together
Farewell - amb guitar
Glance du Secret
Seeing Stars
Fun in the Lounge 🎶
Two Moons
Again, again
experimental dark vocals ethereal
Space Wrinkles
Anywhere You Go w Niklas & OliV
* Soli *
Secret Glance
Wide open (batt, drums)
wikiloops online jamsessions are brought to you with friendly
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What's really unique here is the positive attitude of the community, with encouragement and support for everyone. I found that nowhere else on the net.