Jouv Guitar
Es gibt noch keinen Remix von dieser Session!
La suite avec la guitare (Line6 Variax 700, Line6 Pod X3)
17. Februar 2019 um 20:21

17. Februar 2019 um 20:49

17. Februar 2019 um 20:53

17. Februar 2019 um 22:39

18. Februar 2019 um 02:00

Love it man! You did a great smooth playing! Great stuff you added and still leaving room for others to join! :)
18. Februar 2019 um 06:00

20. Mai 2020 um 11:10

Jazz-Rock Sessions mit Drums, Bass, Gitarre and Tasten:
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My guitar sat in a corner. Then I discovered wikiloops and now, not one day has gone by that I haven't played it.