Veiw of a Cockroach
Es gibt noch keinen Remix von dieser Session!
Sounds weird in the muffs lol
19. März 2019 um 16:48

19. März 2019 um 17:40

19. März 2019 um 18:34

19. März 2019 um 18:05

19. März 2019 um 18:34

20. März 2019 um 05:17

20. März 2019 um 16:18

I like candy …I love sugar …..I’m like a Cockroach
I hide around in all your cabinets in your goodies….Looking for sugar because I like candy
Like a roach….like a roach…Crawling around on your food
Ha ha……….I likes candy…….. I love sugar
If you put suckers inside your cabinets……….I will find away ….To get inside that bag…I am like a roach
I like sugar …….Anything sweet will be alright with me
Because I like to crawl around at night…….In your cabinets you see
I might even climb in your box of cereal…..You just think you’re eating Chereeooos
I’m like a little spider but I am a roach ……Whooooooooooo yeah roach
I love candy ….And I love sugar ….I like to crawl around in the dark
Walking on everything I can find …In your pantry that you hide from me
I even eat your candy ………..I find away to get inside of the package
Trust me I am like roach……….Like to crawl at night in the dark +1
I hide around in all your cabinets in your goodies….Looking for sugar because I like candy
Like a roach….like a roach…Crawling around on your food
Ha ha……….I likes candy…….. I love sugar
If you put suckers inside your cabinets……….I will find away ….To get inside that bag…I am like a roach
I like sugar …….Anything sweet will be alright with me
Because I like to crawl around at night…….In your cabinets you see
I might even climb in your box of cereal…..You just think you’re eating Chereeooos
I’m like a little spider but I am a roach ……Whooooooooooo yeah roach
I love candy ….And I love sugar ….I like to crawl around in the dark
Walking on everything I can find …In your pantry that you hide from me
I even eat your candy ………..I find away to get inside of the package
Trust me I am like roach……….Like to crawl at night in the dark +1
19. März 2019 um 18:33

19. März 2019 um 18:58

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