hi or low?
I'm with oli on that!.... alway a thrill and pleasure to work with you lady...I haven't done much uploading lately then up go two in half an hour!
heard this, loved it, downloaded played once, mixed, and uploaded within twenty mins.... im so eager!
26. Mai 2019 um 01:08

doooh ! i'm sure glad you felt inspired and decided to play along :D honored you had fun !!
26. Mai 2019 um 01:17

26. Mai 2019 um 01:34

Very neat touches of you, Kimbo. Tucked into all the right spots. Sweet accents, like :46. Very soulful with a touch of jazz, my brother.
1:37 - so small, but delicious. Love the way you handle that guitar's neck - fantastic fluidity in your playing. Nice timing on final section - what a classy add to a very nice song.<3 +1
1:37 - so small, but delicious. Love the way you handle that guitar's neck - fantastic fluidity in your playing. Nice timing on final section - what a classy add to a very nice song.<3 +1
26. Mai 2019 um 01:41

..."very nice" hardly does your lyric and vocal delivery justice!....bloody fab! would be a better way to describe it.
as soon as I heard it was you and realised its in your "comfort key" I wanted to have a go...and your delivery leaves gaps in all the right places for my lil ole fingers to start messin without even having to think....thats why the time from download to upload was so quick....not lack of respect, but ease of execution because of you perfect timing and phrasing. thank you thank you thank you ....good to have you back, makes me want to play some more, xxx +0
as soon as I heard it was you and realised its in your "comfort key" I wanted to have a go...and your delivery leaves gaps in all the right places for my lil ole fingers to start messin without even having to think....thats why the time from download to upload was so quick....not lack of respect, but ease of execution because of you perfect timing and phrasing. thank you thank you thank you ....good to have you back, makes me want to play some more, xxx +0
26. Mai 2019 um 01:47

i've been a poor manager of my time - this place is simply too much fun. :O I love that you can hear my "comfort key" - Niklas and The Bee made it easy to slip into this. So happy you joined our party, K. Now that you have identified my key, and want to play more, have AT IT!<3
26. Mai 2019 um 03:04

What a great fit. Sounding mighty fine and certainly taking nothing from Ann's lovely singing.
27. Mai 2019 um 02:09

You do know you're the coolest guitarist on the Loops, don't you? Your understated style and tone works everywhere and this is no exception.
Just sooooo chilled. Beautiful. It's as if you know every note to play without planning it. Love it. +0
Just sooooo chilled. Beautiful. It's as if you know every note to play without planning it. Love it. +0
27. Mai 2019 um 08:00

27. Mai 2019 um 08:09

27. Mai 2019 um 15:15

I have to agree, best rhythm guitar in the Loops - always supporting the song without taking over (unlike other *caugh* people here :) ). Plus, he knows all the chords even those with funny names :D Well done :W
14. November 2019 um 23:44

Electronic Sessions mit Sequenzer, Gitarre and Gesang:
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