Release The Love
Phoo… lot of change this past two months. Now hopefully back into some smooth time. Really liked this chilled and laid back track from Peter, Mark, Olivier and Wolfgang. I seemed to hear the vocal hook in the head and it all clicked from there. Not sure what else can add... maybe occasional vocal echoes of the hook? Thanks for listening!
28. Juni 2019 um 11:21

Wow - what a nice surprise, Brian, thanks for joining us on this one! Awesome lyrics and performance here :)
28. Juni 2019 um 15:28

28. Juni 2019 um 12:32

28. Juni 2019 um 15:29

28. Juni 2019 um 12:55

28. Juni 2019 um 15:30

28. Juni 2019 um 13:17

28. Juni 2019 um 15:33

28. Juni 2019 um 20:39

3. Juli 2019 um 08:52

29. Juni 2019 um 00:55

3. Juli 2019 um 08:53

29. Juni 2019 um 03:39

3. Juli 2019 um 08:54

30. Juni 2019 um 16:07

Yesss, I'm just coming back from holiday and listening to this song...I really like what you're doing here. The chorus is a high light! Thanks a lot Brian, also on behalf of my son who produced the base.:)
3. Juli 2019 um 08:56

Cheers Peter, great comments from you, much appreciated :) your Son has talent, hope to hear from from him again soon :D
2. Juli 2019 um 16:55

Electronic Sessions mit Sequenzer, Saxophon, Gitarre, Bass and Gesang:
Beliebteste Electronic:
Wide Open
A Brief Respite (drums added)
Six T B Boy Celebrate
While We're Together
Farewell - amb guitar
Glance du Secret
Seeing Stars
Fun in the Lounge 🎶
Two Moons
Again, again
experimental dark vocals ethereal
Space Wrinkles
Anywhere You Go w Niklas & OliV
* Soli *
Secret Glance
Wide open (batt, drums)
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