Es gibt noch keinen Remix von dieser Session!
Just needed a minute to fire up the engine. ;) I really enjoyed this song so I thought i'd give it a shot.
28. März 2014 um 15:58

mmmmHMMMM, Werner. very cool rhythm!
downloading to enjoy in the future - thanks so much! +1
downloading to enjoy in the future - thanks so much! +1
28. März 2014 um 16:08

Thank you Anne. Been trying for days to find something that wouldnt get too annoying basswise hehe. I love your lyrics and voice on top of this composition, so i just couldnt let it go. =)
28. März 2014 um 18:15

28. März 2014 um 18:30

31. März 2014 um 06:39

31. März 2014 um 09:08

5. Juli 2014 um 06:24

9. Juli 2014 um 03:07

29. November 2014 um 06:54

Jazz Sessions mit Sequenzer, Gesang, Saxophon and Bass:
My lips don´t want... Soloists Edt
City Soul
Soul City
Acid Jazz... 🎶
The Winter´s Pact NO BASS
The Winter's Pact with Spring Vibes
CIty Soul better mix
My lips don´t want kiss...NO DRUMS
A sweet gold girl over the river
City Soul
Régal ( Treat)
City Soul
Patient Partner...
City Soul
Sortilege 2
The Winter's Pact with Spring Vibes
Baby It's You NO DRUMS version
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