Zawinul Forever
Fantastic Filo´s template with the spirit Zawinul present. Here my two bass lines mix in one and record with effects separated en L and R channels. No automatic arpegios only the fingers inspired by that Zawinul teacher for those fingerings he did !! Hope you like it!
I duplicate with edition the duration with Phillip permission
BASS Marcus Miller M2 play on bridge pickups
BASS GROOVE Valvery Korg and TalToMe ZoomB1 (Pither) effects
LEAD BASS Ringer Korg effects (like bells...)
12. April 2020 um 12:56

12. April 2020 um 13:38

12. April 2020 um 12:34

12. April 2020 um 13:38

12. April 2020 um 15:02

12. April 2020 um 15:11

12. April 2020 um 16:04

Quite inspiring!! I always love the way you approach your solos and leadlines, here is no exception!! Fabulous<3
12. April 2020 um 17:38

14. April 2020 um 11:57

14. April 2020 um 13:33

27. Mai 2020 um 15:30

27. Mai 2020 um 15:47

6. September 2021 um 20:02

6. September 2021 um 20:04

The great W Report´s spirit float around here !! Phil did a superb job on the template !!
6. September 2021 um 20:10

6. September 2021 um 20:11

6. September 2021 um 20:14

I love this music ......
over the years I have had the opportunity to see both WR and JZ and Syndicate live;) +1
over the years I have had the opportunity to see both WR and JZ and Syndicate live;) +1
6. September 2021 um 20:15

6. September 2021 um 20:18

6. September 2021 um 20:23

Jaco too together with Birèli
unique opportunity, seat in the front row a few meters away ....
unforgettable<3 +1
unique opportunity, seat in the front row a few meters away ....
unforgettable<3 +1
6. September 2021 um 20:24

9. Juli 2022 um 19:43

9. Juli 2022 um 19:47

we like Weather Report and Zawinul sounds!!:W
Our album MarPhil Report ;) +1
Our album MarPhil Report ;) +1
9. Juli 2022 um 19:56

Jazz-Rock Sessions mit Sequenzer and Bass:
Rhodes Island
YammaJazz Bass (Cort Bass Octave)
The Hidden Face of the Moon w bass
Fill in the Blanks
Zawinul Forever
Snow Cone
The Hongkong Syndicate
Everything goes its way
funky monkey
The Storl with Chords DuckBass
The Blue Cube
The fifth of death
April 27 Chill
Free Phasing
Surfing You Us Hey
Rabbit in heaven
1-6-2-5 Benson-Style
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Wikiloops is the best way to start recording your music and becoming a better musician. I love this friendly, creative and musical place.