brighter days
thanks to mika fantastic templates!!
i added rhythmic guitar .this one needs bass ,vocal and other adds of your choice. hope u like it:).
gear :vox sdc 22 drop c' tuning
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Saitensatz für E-Gitarre
5,90 €
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13. Mai 2020 um 07:56
13. Mai 2020 um 09:02
13. Mai 2020 um 10:04
13. Mai 2020 um 02:03
13. Mai 2020 um 02:06
13. Mai 2020 um 02:32
:W fantastic Stéphane,excellent combination on both sides, surprisingly nice change at the end :D:D
13. Mai 2020 um 09:06
Thanks mi amigo xavi.:) I've tried to do my"stef" touch on this wonderful track of mika.:W
13. Mai 2020 um 02:40
Magnifique mon ami. Le passage au pouvoir est particulièrement agréable.
Gorgeous my friend. The changeover to power is especially nice. +1
Gorgeous my friend. The changeover to power is especially nice. +1
13. Mai 2020 um 09:04
13. Mai 2020 um 09:33
13. Mai 2020 um 10:05
13. Mai 2020 um 10:54
13. Mai 2020 um 11:16
13. Mai 2020 um 12:26
Qui a dit que les metaleux n'étaient pas sensibles !?...:D bravo Stéphane great add:W et très belle piste de Mr Mika:):W
13. Mai 2020 um 12:48
Merci jef:).oui les rockers ont un coeur,la preuve c'est que je t'ai laissé la place pour une guitare lead:D:D:W
13. Mai 2020 um 15:05
13. Mai 2020 um 18:18
Woaoh !!! Le morceau est top et tes guitares lui donne une autre dimension <3:W ça va remixer dur, c'est sûr :W
Me first :D +1
Me first :D +1
13. Mai 2020 um 18:23
13. Mai 2020 um 19:34
Beautifully played my friend your touch is sure......I can hear your feeling for this great will get some great adds I’m sure<3:W:W
13. Mai 2020 um 20:55
14. Mai 2020 um 19:20
14. Mai 2020 um 20:41
Hello mike. Thank you for your comment.for this track i play on a lag roxanne master 1500 with seymour duncan phat cat pickups , standard tuning and for the amps marshall and hiwatt on amplitube .:)
15. Mai 2020 um 00:11
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