Really nice track from Dan. I've added some repeating chords.
27. September 2020 um 04:48

30. September 2020 um 22:06

27. September 2020 um 05:22

30. September 2020 um 22:06

27. September 2020 um 06:21

30. September 2020 um 21:34

30. September 2020 um 23:06

Not noticeable...one of those things that may bug us after the fact, but others listen beyond those minor technical issues.
27. September 2020 um 09:54

30. September 2020 um 22:04

27. September 2020 um 12:22

30. September 2020 um 22:05

27. September 2020 um 14:33

30. September 2020 um 22:04

27. September 2020 um 15:24

30. September 2020 um 22:07

27. September 2020 um 21:16

30. September 2020 um 22:07

28. September 2020 um 11:32

As an admirer of your beautiful playing it's a real treat to have you contribute. You bring your cultured and evocative style to this in a lovely way - very empathetic. Where as some of the other guitar adds have been spacious and mind-expanding this has brought me pulled me back in with it's intimacy and sensitivity.
30. September 2020 um 21:31

Electronic Sessions mit Sequenzer and Gitarre:
Kicked In The Head😱
Submerged ෆ
Drop a name
Rodger's Nails
Raven without Drums
Rest In Space
Higher Clouds
Rising Up⤴
Secret Glance- No Drums -
RokTronik v2.0
Betamax without Drums
Hot Fudge Cake
Climbing Down The Walls
Climbing Down The Walls
Fly Free Butterfly
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