Secret glance drums
Es gibt noch keinen Remix von dieser Session!
Athmosperical dino drum part from earth, from France...
14. April 2021 um 02:07

Merci Vinz’
Les spishhhh et les psishh sonnent super et le crescendo est subtile, bravo copain :) <3 +0
Les spishhhh et les psishh sonnent super et le crescendo est subtile, bravo copain :) <3 +0
14. April 2021 um 11:45

You French guys are killing it at the moment - so many good adds! I love the restraint in your playing - you gradually build it to match the way Chris builds the guitar, with each fill very carefully weighted. It's a perfect example of how natural drumming can really add to the dynamics. The track feels a lot more "organic" now. <3
Electronic Sessions mit Drums, Sequenzer and Gitarre:
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