The Beggar's
Great heavy and driving drum and bass groove on this one from Ezio and Dirk:W:W I added some rhythm guitars...left it open for Solo's, etc. Enjoy...:D
16. Juli 2021 um 21:49

17. Juli 2021 um 00:03

16. Juli 2021 um 21:50

great effect for this track Ron, just right amount of flashing too, really nice track <3
17. Juli 2021 um 00:03

16. Juli 2021 um 22:59

17. Juli 2021 um 00:07

You are welcome Buddy...I've been gone for a bit. I love the driving drums and bass on this, you and Ezio really sound good:D
17. Juli 2021 um 00:50

16. Juli 2021 um 23:11

17. Juli 2021 um 00:05

17. Juli 2021 um 06:29

18. Juli 2021 um 01:03

9. August 2021 um 13:45

2. August 2021 um 21:37

9. August 2021 um 13:45

Rock Sessions mit Drums, Gitarre and Bass:
Blast from the Past!
Floundering Out of Air
F**** 2020...
Tide coming Up
Gentle Liquor
Wheels of Steel 🎡
Bluesing Around
Melisseus + Drums
Paracetamol's Headache
3rd 7.2% IPA 🍺
Recommence The Silent Weeping...
Rock On III
Linda's Dream
Let's Rock *
Dark Side of the World - Deep State
03_bittersweet goodbeye (hardrock)
Swim Or Drown + some riffs
Things Have Changed
Ride on
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