Messed up World
Thanks David and Ezio,another great jam,amigos,:W:W Fun Time :D:D
3. November 2023 um 18:42

3. November 2023 um 18:45

:D:D Thanks David,amigo,Of course, the horses have endurance, we have already done a few kilometers of running-in,LoL!!!:W:W:W Very happy <3<3<3
3. November 2023 um 19:00

4. November 2023 um 03:49

3. November 2023 um 23:49

Yeah, another great one from my favorite band here!! Love it guys, great add Xavi !!
4. November 2023 um 03:50

4. November 2023 um 00:28

4. November 2023 um 03:50

World Sessions mit Drums, Gitarre, Tasten and Sequenzer:
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