Beautiful Day
To me it sounded more jazzy than reggae...sorry Shi :P
2. September 2015 um 17:39

2. September 2015 um 17:55

2. September 2015 um 19:23
2. September 2015 um 19:26

7. September 2015 um 09:33

Now i'm listening to it and the guitar is probably too loud...what do you think guys? should i remix it once more?
30. Dezember 2015 um 14:43

I would love to hear a remake. It could be only slightly better, since this is already awesome.
3. Januar 2016 um 22:45

30. Dezember 2015 um 14:42

Wow I can't decide which version I love more. Accustic, Reggea, BossaNova. You all rock!!!
BossaNova Sessions mit Gitarre and Gesang:
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