Say Hello
Hey all. I love this song and the talented people behind it. Simply outstanding. I added a very old speech from 1940, from Charlie Chaplin, along with my vocals. I believe it to be public domain, so hopefully I'm ok with putting this on here. Thank you and I hope you like it. Solo at 2:14 would be really cool ;)
30. September 2016 um 01:15

I really Love it
This interaction between your vocals, the music and Charlie, more than a good song from you, it's also an amazing creative side of your talent James.
Bravo and Merci
It was just a piece of guitar and thanks to Raymond, Ernie and you...
it's a Jam Now :D
Well done Guys
Tof +2
This interaction between your vocals, the music and Charlie, more than a good song from you, it's also an amazing creative side of your talent James.
Bravo and Merci
It was just a piece of guitar and thanks to Raymond, Ernie and you...
it's a Jam Now :D
Well done Guys
Tof +2
7. Mai 2024 um 03:27

30. September 2016 um 07:52

Great speech... thanks for bringing up and back, seems very important at this time... I assume it is from "The Dictator"?? My favorite line is "Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people".... lots of this going on around the World...something for folks to think about.... great job buddy!
30. September 2016 um 00:45

30. September 2016 um 00:57

30. September 2016 um 01:31

Very cool idea James! and with that gorgeous voice, and your (always) excellent lyrics, what can go wrong, great singing with a great attitude! Super Cool!
30. September 2016 um 01:39

Very very cool James !! Most excellent all together !! :) Great idea with that C. C. interaction :)
30. September 2016 um 02:35

30. September 2016 um 02:48

Wow, super cool and creative my friend!! Thanks for transforming this rock jam into an excellent song James, really great!! Love what you did here! :) ;)
30. September 2016 um 04:22

30. September 2016 um 05:08

Rock Sessions mit Drums, Gitarre, Gesang and Bass:
On the Rocks Bar
Sweet cruel summer
Agents of Babylon
No Place to Go
Today (Amends Song)
Sadie Screams
Triggered for Love
Ooh Baby
Say Hello
Zep Jam
Open the Doors of Perception
Run For Cover
It's Been So Long
You Know Where To Find Me
Hanging On A Hope (Drum+Bass Add)
Down and Dirty - in the Filth!
丹ch☢☢ sℽ𝖓dℝ☢me
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