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Gentle Caress by FrankieJ

Gentle Caress

Gentle Caress
Über dieses Album

FrankieJ & Friends
FrankieJ erstellt von FrankieJ on 30.04.2016

Daumen: 25
Hörer: 4199 x


A "Gentle Caress" to our ears


Review von Stef am 01.05.2016

A fabulous album by a musician of great technical skills and magic touch on acoustic guitar. I admire her sensitivity , elegance and taste that expresses in each track in this great compilation . I am honored to have shared some songs with such great guitar player. Undoubtedly musicians like Frankie elevate this wonderful planet of music named Wikiloops.

All new to me all wonderful


Review von Wade am 24.03.2021

Seems these wonderful tracks were all before I was aware of FrankieJ and following his every post. A whole lot of new inspiration and source of download!!!!

Cool beans !


Review von OliVBee am 14.01.2021

A treat for the ears :)

What a Guitar player?


Review von Mickey am 03.06.2018

I love your Guitar playing Frankie

Golden Guitar inside


Review von Tofzegrit am 30.10.2016

Frankie my hero !
What a collection and so glad for beeing able to play music next to you

Very Heartful!


Review von adu am 30.10.2016

Great Album Frank! :)



Review von titi am 03.05.2016

A fantastic guitar-player !
Great pleasure and honnor to be present on this album !

So emotianal


Review von onewholeft am 30.04.2016

Franky plays with such emotion I could sit and listen to him play guitar for hours ! And I do just that 😉😉😉

Frankie Magic Strings!


Review von aleonz am 30.04.2016

I always admire your music, you always know and understand what the song need, and you always play with the beauty and rich flavor. I always enjoy listening to your tracks! and I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful compilation.

Looking forward to make a lot of wonderful music with you!


Feeling and sound


Review von Marceys am 30.04.2016

Hey Frankie,

Great album you collected here! I love your smooth feeling and you know how to get that round jazzy tone out of your guitar! way cool!



Why did it end


Review von WildGoat am 30.12.2022

Starting listening to this and couldn't stop. Wonderful.
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