Gentle Caress

Über dieses Album
FrankieJ & Friends
erstellt von
on 30.04.2016
Daumen: 25
Hörer: 4199 x
FrankieJ & Friends

Daumen: 25
Hörer: 4199 x

A "Gentle Caress" to our ears
+3Review von Stef am 01.05.2016
A fabulous album by a musician of great technical skills and magic touch on acoustic guitar. I admire her sensitivity , elegance and taste that expresses in each track in this great compilation . I am honored to have shared some songs with such great guitar player. Undoubtedly musicians like Frankie elevate this wonderful planet of music named Wikiloops.

All new to me all wonderful
+1Review von Wade am 24.03.2021
Seems these wonderful tracks were all before I was aware of FrankieJ and following his every post. A whole lot of new inspiration and source of download!!!!

Golden Guitar inside
+1Review von Tofzegrit am 30.10.2016
Frankie my hero !
What a collection and so glad for beeing able to play music next to you
What a collection and so glad for beeing able to play music next to you

+1Review von titi am 03.05.2016
A fantastic guitar-player !
Great pleasure and honnor to be present on this album !
Great pleasure and honnor to be present on this album !
So emotianal
+1Review von onewholeft am 30.04.2016
Franky plays with such emotion I could sit and listen to him play guitar for hours ! And I do just that 😉😉😉

Frankie Magic Strings!
+1Review von aleonz am 30.04.2016
I always admire your music, you always know and understand what the song need, and you always play with the beauty and rich flavor. I always enjoy listening to your tracks! and I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful compilation.
Looking forward to make a lot of wonderful music with you!
Looking forward to make a lot of wonderful music with you!

Feeling and sound
+1Review von Marceys am 30.04.2016
Hey Frankie,
Great album you collected here! I love your smooth feeling and you know how to get that round jazzy tone out of your guitar! way cool!
Great album you collected here! I love your smooth feeling and you know how to get that round jazzy tone out of your guitar! way cool!

Why did it end
+0Review von WildGoat am 30.12.2022
Starting listening to this and couldn't stop. Wonderful.
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