Lyrics Library
Please read first: Intended procedure when using the wikiloops Lyric Library
Please read first: Intended procedure when using the wikiloops Lyric Library
Lyric #1722 by Dick
Lyrics use permission note:
The free lyrics offered here may be used in the scope of private use.
If you would like to make use of the lyrics in a commercial context, please request permission from the author.
For details, read the Lyric license
The free lyrics offered here may be used in the scope of private use.
If you would like to make use of the lyrics in a commercial context, please request permission from the author.
For details, read the Lyric license
Posts: 2924
Joined: 30.12.2010
The wikiloops Lyrics Library - How this works
The idea to building a wikiloops internal area for lyric exchanges goes back to our users initiative.
To organize this within a designated forum is a first attempt to match up those who write lyrics (but may not sing) with those who sing (but may not have great lyric ideas everyday).
The vocalists may ideally proceed to performing the lyrics along to a backing track offered in wikiloops treasurebox of music, and to sharing a recording of their performance via wikiloops.
To make the whole experience worthwhile for the various contributers of music, words and vocal performance,
please do follow the guidelines offered here, which will ensure that all contributers will get informed and "stays in the loop" with their contributions creative use.
Procedure for lyric writers
All wikiloops members may contribute lyrics by opening a new thread in the Lyric Library Forum.
Please do open one thread per lyric, so the forum reply functionality can be used to comment on that particular song,
and to embed tracks in which your lyrics have been sung.
Please only submit lyrics which were originally written by yourself and are compliant with our community guidelines (no explicit language, please). Do not quote other works or breach copyrights, nobody wants a legal hurrican.
If that comes easy to you, please do add a short list of keywords / tags to your lyrics, those would be very handy to add a designated search function on lyrics later.
Just add a line "Tags: Lovesong, Romance, Heartbreak" or "Tags: dark mood, lonely, desperate", such hints might come very handy at some later point.
When submitting a work to the lyric library, you are giving your consent that your lyrics will be publicly available on wikiloops.com, and are granting non-commercial private use of your work to anyone (including people who may not be members of wikiloops).
In addition to that, you are granting the following rights to all wikiloops members, as long as they comply with the stated conditions:
Granted rights:
1st: wikiloops members may make creative use of your lyrics, including editing / shortening (that might be necessary to match a given musical track), and
2nd: wikiloops members may post recordings of their vocal perfomances to wikiloops.com.
1st: The recordings need to be shared to the public segment of wikiloops, where they will become available to anyone.
2nd: When sharing the recording, the uploading member has the opportunity to enter lyrics which will be displayed on the published tracks page. Instead of copy & pasting the authors lyrics, the uploader must include a link to the original lyrics post in the wikiloops lyrics library and state the authors name.
3rd: The tracks description must mention the lyrics author.
4th: After publishing a track in which the lyrics are performed, the uploader must post a response to the lyrics posting in the lyric library, in which the link to the shared track is stated (or even better, the track is embedded right in the forum) to make sure the lyric author gets notified via the forum-reply notification function.
Above conditions are stating the procedure for lyric users.
I hope the outlined will establish an inspiring creative collaboration in which all contributers are rewarded.
To those who may not have any experience in sharing music on wikiloops, one last note:
As Forest Gumps mom said: "Life is like a box a choclate- you'll never know what you will get!", and the same is true for sharing ones creative work on wikiloops.
Should you see your lyrics put to use on wikiloops in unexpected ways, take it with humor!
Credit is due to the members who suggested starting this forum segment:
Jane, Tu, ellouidir, Wade & Liesching, and special thanks to Michael Schiller who spent a lot of time on the concept.
If you have suggestions or questions, feel free to reply - wikiloops is about collaboration and has always taken benefit from user requests :)
The idea to building a wikiloops internal area for lyric exchanges goes back to our users initiative.
To organize this within a designated forum is a first attempt to match up those who write lyrics (but may not sing) with those who sing (but may not have great lyric ideas everyday).
The vocalists may ideally proceed to performing the lyrics along to a backing track offered in wikiloops treasurebox of music, and to sharing a recording of their performance via wikiloops.
To make the whole experience worthwhile for the various contributers of music, words and vocal performance,
please do follow the guidelines offered here, which will ensure that all contributers will get informed and "stays in the loop" with their contributions creative use.
Procedure for lyric writers
All wikiloops members may contribute lyrics by opening a new thread in the Lyric Library Forum.
Please do open one thread per lyric, so the forum reply functionality can be used to comment on that particular song,
and to embed tracks in which your lyrics have been sung.
Please only submit lyrics which were originally written by yourself and are compliant with our community guidelines (no explicit language, please). Do not quote other works or breach copyrights, nobody wants a legal hurrican.
If that comes easy to you, please do add a short list of keywords / tags to your lyrics, those would be very handy to add a designated search function on lyrics later.
Just add a line "Tags: Lovesong, Romance, Heartbreak" or "Tags: dark mood, lonely, desperate", such hints might come very handy at some later point.
When submitting a work to the lyric library, you are giving your consent that your lyrics will be publicly available on wikiloops.com, and are granting non-commercial private use of your work to anyone (including people who may not be members of wikiloops).
In addition to that, you are granting the following rights to all wikiloops members, as long as they comply with the stated conditions:
Granted rights:
1st: wikiloops members may make creative use of your lyrics, including editing / shortening (that might be necessary to match a given musical track), and
2nd: wikiloops members may post recordings of their vocal perfomances to wikiloops.com.
1st: The recordings need to be shared to the public segment of wikiloops, where they will become available to anyone.
2nd: When sharing the recording, the uploading member has the opportunity to enter lyrics which will be displayed on the published tracks page. Instead of copy & pasting the authors lyrics, the uploader must include a link to the original lyrics post in the wikiloops lyrics library and state the authors name.
3rd: The tracks description must mention the lyrics author.
4th: After publishing a track in which the lyrics are performed, the uploader must post a response to the lyrics posting in the lyric library, in which the link to the shared track is stated (or even better, the track is embedded right in the forum) to make sure the lyric author gets notified via the forum-reply notification function.
Above conditions are stating the procedure for lyric users.
I hope the outlined will establish an inspiring creative collaboration in which all contributers are rewarded.
To those who may not have any experience in sharing music on wikiloops, one last note:
As Forest Gumps mom said: "Life is like a box a choclate- you'll never know what you will get!", and the same is true for sharing ones creative work on wikiloops.
Should you see your lyrics put to use on wikiloops in unexpected ways, take it with humor!
Credit is due to the members who suggested starting this forum segment:
Jane, Tu, ellouidir, Wade & Liesching, and special thanks to Michael Schiller who spent a lot of time on the concept.
If you have suggestions or questions, feel free to reply - wikiloops is about collaboration and has always taken benefit from user requests :)
Posts: 50
Joined: 07.02.2016
Wow it's Amazing, well though, i Hope that a lot of lyricist will post on this forum !
I did not check but is there a reminder in vocals remix ?
May be you could remind here the author rights in wikiloops mix commercial use ?
Great job ! Long life to lyrics library ! :)
I did not check but is there a reminder in vocals remix ?
May be you could remind here the author rights in wikiloops mix commercial use ?
Great job ! Long life to lyrics library ! :)
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