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Head Up

Head Up

Lyric #1757 by marocon

Tags: Tender, Plaintive, Touching, Heartfelt, Sad, Melancholy
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posted on #1
Posts: 37
Joined: 29.07.2014
You're long in the tooth
but short on the cash
Your shaking out your mattress
In case you have a stash

Stuck that pot upon the stove
Burnt it to a crisp
You know you're leaking marbles
But keep your finger to your lips

Head up
Keep your head up, brother
Head up
Keep your head up

Oh that son of yours
With his worries and his frowns
He's got his daddy's ways
But he only brings you down

Blue skies now and then
But mostly clouds and rain
They talk like you ain't there
It's all the same refrain

Head up
Keep your head up, mother
Head up
Keep your head up

Hand down on the track
Watching for that jet black stack
Got your ear hard to the ground
Cause you know that train be coming
That train be coming round

Head up
Keep your head up, brother
Head up
Keep your head up
posted on #2
Posts: 37
Joined: 29.07.2014
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posted on #3
Posts: 133
Joined: 14.09.2016
Thank You for sharing your lyrics. I used them on track #162554

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