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Blaze of Glory

Blaze of Glory

Lyric #1808 by GBD

Tags: Political, Current Events, Opinion, Religious, Rant, Angry, Metal, Hard Rock
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Joined: 14.09.2016
Blaze of Glory

Young adults and kids now a days see through the hype of promoting glamour, frivolous behavior, and commercialism to feed the greed.

They know there is more to life then this superficial moronic behavior. They seek meaning and depth.

Those with religion turn to their religion no matter which one it may be only to be manipulated by hypocrites that are only in it for there own material gain, exaltation, glorification and greed.

Those without religion turn to their fellow man. They may give of them self’s to help the less fortunate that have been wronged by, narcissistic greedy self serving dictators, corporations and leaders.

Or since they are going to die anyway do what they have learned from the media, go out in a fabulous burning blaze of glory.

(Lyric History) after watching and reading about all the mass shootings at Schools, Theaters, Malls… It set me off on a Rant. (see following for the rest of the rant )

The common people of the world get along with each other just fine. It’s always been just one man and those manipulated to fight and die for them that causes all the human suffering and torment.

As they have built legions one by one, legions need to be built that choose to do the right thing and make a contribution to better our society by setting the example.

No amount of policing or government intervention can change what’s happening in today’s world it is up to each individual to set the example not by talking like the hypocrites but by doing it.

The time has come to put away barbaric behavior and evolve to the next level

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Do good deeds, Say good words, Think good thoughts.[wl]84745[/wl]
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