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Generating Enthusiasm for Collaborative Workshop Space

Generating Enthusiasm for Collaborative Workshop Space

posted on #1
Posts: 204
Joined: 16.11.2019
Trying to generate feedback for an idea. An online workshop/record label/streaming home business. If your interested, check out a doc at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FP6LFGA0KpqeMZFaVrqQ4D8YVcGLqnwDViYHLrK0Z3Q/edit
posted on #2
abuitremorem Supporter
Posts: 67
Joined: 06.07.2014
Michael, if I understand you correctly, your goal is closer cooperation and you can see a way through web space. The alternative is to work together directly in the DAWs (on different computers, and that's free of charge)

But this is only possible if those involved place the plug-in in the correct VST folder on their own computer.

If that goes in the direction of your ideas, I am happy to test it with you.
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posted on #3
Posts: 204
Joined: 16.11.2019
I see the point of my post may have gotten lost. Read the doc
at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FP6LFGA0KpqeMZFaVrqQ4D8YVcGLqnwDViYHLrK0Z3Q/edit?usp=sharing

It gets my idea across better.

I looked at that satellite app. Looks like another alternative for collaboration online. I would be up for some collabs using that method.

I'm kinda at the nadir of creativity now, but I'll check back here, check messages, so that something happens.
posted on #4
Posts: 204
Joined: 16.11.2019
Thanks for those who replied to me about this idea. I was hoping some beta ready site would be up and trickling with influx of folks. Due to software setbacks, muselib is on hold while OS's are installed until something that works is whirring away in a server room somewhere in washington state, us.:@
posted on #5
Posts: 204
Joined: 16.11.2019
Asking for coders to help this project. Check out https://muselib.org/ .

I've invested in a 200 GB unmanaged linux share. You'll get a root user/pass and what I can pay (message).

Also, check out skytracks.io: an in browser daw that actually works.
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