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Twenty years

Twenty years

Lyric #2785 by szimn

Tags: Hate
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szimn Supporter
Posts: 4
Joined: 15.03.2021
Twenty years since it crumbled
Time has past, my soul is not humbled
Remain strong, remember those that have past
On that day in history, and the trail of war that lay in its wake.

Could I have seen
The happiness that it has pulled from me.
The ideas of men, much less than me.
For what reasons, it’s hard to think.

Future lies on the road ahead of me
I’m old, so my past goes beyond that day.
To times that were similar in grey
Born in 1959,
I’ve seen this discomfort as I grew and learned

Where will it take me if my hart is stifled
Not what I want
Not who I am
Until your last day
But remember those that have passed along the way
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