
Lyric #2805 by bassMonkey

Tags: Slower, Reflective, Love, Ballady in a wave your cigarette lighter kind of way (a cell phone wouldn't cut it)
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posted on #1
bassMonkey Supporter
Posts: 396
Joined: 02.12.2020
Eyes across a crowded room connecting like magnetic stars,
Memories fade in time but this one won't because we'll make it ours,
See her in slow-motion as the mind absorbs each single frame,
Watch her move and know that life will never be the same again.

Judy you're my Sanctuary Girl,
One sane piece of this whole mad world,
The beacon fire of purest light,
Shine on and save my soul tonight.
And it's all fine.
And tomorrow is another day.

In this dream they call real life we inch our way along the fault lines,
Never more than half aware of what we'll later call "the good times",
Each new day another chance of finding ways to cheat our fate,
Every victory something else we find a way to celebrate.

If there is no Heaven at the end of this road, I won't mind,
As long as you can walk it with me Judy, if you'd be so kind,
When you take my hand I know there's nothing out there we can't fight,
Travel with me through darkness out into the morning light.
posted on #2
Ernie440 Supporter
Posts: 342
Joined: 27.02.2016
bassMonkey wrote:
Eyes across a crowded room connecting like magnetic stars,
Memories fade in time but this one won't because we'll make it ours,
See her in slow-motion as the mind absorbs each single frame,
Watch her move and know that life will never be the same again.

Judy you're my Sanctuary Girl,
One sane piece of this whole mad world,
The beacon fire of purest light,
Shine on and save my soul tonight.
And it's all fine.
And tomorrow is another day.

In this dream they call real life we inch our way along the fault lines,
Never more than half aware of what we'll later call "the good times",
Each new day another chance of finding ways to cheat our fate,
Every victory something else we find a way to celebrate.

If there is no Heaven at the end of this road, I won't mind,
As long as you can walk it with me Judy, if you'd be so kind,
When you take my hand I know there's nothing out there we can't fight,
Travel with me through darkness out into the morning light.

Nice this could be a hit!! :W:D

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