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Lyric #2866 by bassMonkey

Tags: Mistakes, Consequences
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bassMonkey Supporter
Posts: 395
Joined: 02.12.2020
Virtuous paradigms hidden in anagrams,
Predicate early attack,
Amorous adjutants busy on Instagram,
Action kicks off at the back.

A three star General sent the wrong memo round,
A two faced analyst lied,
A one horse town too close to the target ground,
Zero chance any survived.

Walking knee-deep in the bodies of innocents,
Biting back tears of remorse,
Sh*t kicking downhill that stinks of incompetence,
Pretty much par for the course.

Choke chain your brain try to shake off the sentiment,
Focus on how to survive,
Thinking trained dog more than star in the firmament,
That's how you get out alive.

Paperwork piling up filing in triplicate,
Dialling up people who know,
Nothing else spills as much blood as a budget cut,
Fateful raids all in a row.

It's "FAST-CD" when computing the consequence,
"Bug Splat" when taking the blame,
It's no excuse for defective reconnaissance,
Then again, what's in a name?
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