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I Have A Longing

I Have A Longing

Lyric #3147 by BB6

Tags: Need, Hunger, Dream, Desire, Feeling, Beckoning
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Posts: 139
Joined: 31.08.2022

I have a longing
I have a need
Something is beckoning me

Something's calling
I think it's good
Something is beckoning me

It's just beyond me
Out of my grasp
But I've touched it in the past

I've felt a feeling
I've felt a love
I've felt something totally vast

Some days I'm empty
Get frustrated
Why does it happen to me?

But before long
I'm fine again
Is something caring for me?

I have a longing
I have a need
To know it before I die

Can I do it?
Fulfil my dream?
Answer the what, where and why?

I don't know
Don't have a clue
But there's a longing in me

I have a longing
I have a need
Something is beckoning me
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