Need some advise

Navota posted on 03.02.2025 #1
Posts: 197
Joined: 29.04.2016
I always loved the sound of a Bas.
I wonder how it works when you play two differt string instruments in my case a guitar
Just the easy sounds because I have to wachout with my hands.
But they always say it's your finger memory you have to get to play Well. So I wander can any one tell my how this works with two differt instruments don't you gone make a mess of it then ?? 😞
rootshell posted on 04.02.2025 #2
Posts: 403
Joined: 04.07.2020
not sure if i'll be any help, but i think you're asking how different or the same is it when you play guitar vs bass?

since i play guitar more than bass, there is that spacing in the frets that is noticeable when i switch to playing bass. my fingers aren't usually used to it (the stretch), as you sort of get the muscle memory and spacing familiarity of the guitar. then there's finger playing vs picking. as i've gotten older, my finger playing isn't fluid, could be the carpal tunnel or early arthritis, who knows, but there's a bpm limit on my finger playing lol :D so more often than not, i'll use a pick.

not sure if anything of that helps, but i hope you enjoy playing the bass as well :W:W
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Aito posted on 04.02.2025 #3
Posts: 68
Joined: 19.01.2023
Aito attached the following image:

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