

  1. 24. Juni 2023
    Rock jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 272953
    Awakening W Drums
  2. 21. Januar 2016
    Metal jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 62272
    Desire drums
    von kennyadry & Laruno
  3. 2. Oktober 2015
    Unplugged jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 51365
    When I was 6 :)
  4. 19. September 2015
    Punk-Rock jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 50236
    Tinola la lala
    von kennyadry & Laruno
  5. 4. September 2015
    Funk jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 48935
    techfunk drums
    von kennyadry & Laruno
  6. 7. August 2015
    Pop jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 46929
    Knocking down the walls
  7. 3. Januar 2015
    Rock jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 30500
    the RoYal Visit Drums
    von akethesnaker & Laruno
  8. 14. Dezember 2014
    Jazz jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 29316
  9. 14. Dezember 2014
    Rock jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 29306
    Like an intro sound =)
    von akethesnaker & Laruno
  10. 13. Dezember 2014
    Unplugged jam feat. Laruno am Percussion Stück # 29282
    Ritmo Latino
  11. 2. Dezember 2014
    Blues jam feat. Laruno am Drums Stück # 28558
    lost snare..
    von OliVBee & Laruno
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