
26. April 2020Rock jam feat. MajorTom22 am Drums Stück # 188409Lazy Feet
20. April 2020Folk jam feat. MajorTom22 am Drums Stück # 187908She Dances
14. April 2020Pop jam feat. MajorTom22 am Drums Stück # 187387Did I Claim to Know?
13. April 2020World jam feat. MajorTom22 am Drums Stück # 187230Moving Forwardvon MajorTom22 & hartmut
6. April 2020Funk jam feat. MajorTom22 am Drums Stück # 186533Slowly but Surely
31. März 2020Folk jam feat. MajorTom22 am Drums Stück # 185959Hope For Time and Friendship
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5 bucks for all I got from this site is nothing...I'm just an oldie (51) begineer guitar player and these backtrack are very very useful for my improvement.Thanks and Happy Christmas from Italy