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First steps
First steps
London City Early Morning
London City Early Morning
You better run
You better run
Twothousandeighteen DUSK
Twothousandeighteen DUSK
10h of 19 Remaining
10h of 19 Remaining
2020 - Stay Negative
2020 - Stay Negative
21 DONE!
21 DONE!


  1. 3. Oktober 2023
    Rock jam feat. Offfocus am Gesang Stück # 279774
    B60 & COOL
  2. 24. Mai 2023
    Rock jam feat. Offfocus am Sequenzer Stück # 270558
    Heavy industry
    von Offfocus
  3. 15. April 2023
    Rock jam feat. Offfocus am Sequenzer Stück # 267694
    Industrial Night Walk
    von Offfocus
  4. 19. November 2022
    Electronic jam feat. Offfocus am Gesang & Sequenzer Stück # 256486
  5. 25. Oktober 2022
    Pop jam feat. Offfocus am Gesang Stück # 254641
    One more Thing
    von Offfocus & Offfocus
  6. 19. März 2022
    Blues jam feat. Offfocus am Gesang Stück # 240338
  7. 9. Oktober 2021
    Pop jam feat. Offfocus am Drums, Gesang & Tasten Stück # 228282
    Killjoy featt MrFish and Ernie
  8. 1. August 2021
    Pop jam feat. Offfocus am Gesang Stück # 223475
    Sunday Morning Leisure Account
    von Offfocus & Offfocus
  9. 8. Juni 2021
    Pop jam feat. Offfocus am akustik Gitarre & Gesang Stück # 219848
    Time can be your Friend
  10. 23. Mai 2021
    Unplugged jam feat. Offfocus am Gesang Stück # 218600
    The Wet Cat
  11. 24. Januar 2021
    HipHop jam feat. Offfocus am Sequenzer Stück # 209036
    Pandemic Tranquilness
    von Offfocus
  12. 19. Dezember 2020
    Pop jam feat. Offfocus am Gesang Stück # 205876
    THE BUD (tt)
  13. 12. September 2020
    HipHop jam feat. Offfocus am Mixer Stück # 198199
    Disregard! Mastered
  14. 30. Dezember 2019
    Jazz jam feat. Offfocus am Gitarre & Gesang Stück # 179105
    Sweet Morning


Hmpf.. what shall I tell you?!?
Several hundred years ago I did jewish music, stopped for a while and restarted on folk stuff
Then "16 tons" came across and I tried..
Waited another couple of years and started to make music again.
On my own.. homerecording.. Nice - but yeah bit boring - you got only your own ideas..
Now I found YOU!!
this is geogious! Fun! New..

I thank you all so much for sharing your music.. this is really cool!


Nylon string guitar: Godin Multiac
Western Guitar: Takamine P5NC
e-Guitar: Godin xtSA
e-Guitar: Gibson Les Paul Studio
e-Drums: Roland V-drums TD 1K


Yamaha Audiogram ag6
TC Helicon Voicelife 3 extreme
Mac / Logix Pro


öffentliche Stücke: 422
Fans: (Daumen)4.398
gegebene Daumen: 3.304
Kommentare: 3.459
Forum Beiträge: 26
erhaltene Remixe: 928
Aufrufe der Jams:726.829
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