Rain Drops
I remember as a young boy always wanting to be out in the storms as long as I had my hood upon my coat against the rain, cool feeling.......Always been looking for something like that to protect me from lifes storms ... Now realise I had music all the while
Thanks for listening
31. Oktober 2019 um 21:06

31. Oktober 2019 um 21:23

1. November 2019 um 01:54

Love it Peter<3<3 great memories:D I too have lovely memories of my kids when they were little, wearing little yellow macintosh's with the hood up- Wearing Red Wellington's jumping in and out of puddles in the rain. I would watch them playing from my kitchen window, always made my heart swell with pride<3
1. November 2019 um 07:43

Wonderful way to recall and treasure them, Thank you so much Dorothy for your originality this beautiful piece really caught me up in the moment there<3<3:)
31. Oktober 2019 um 20:30

31. Oktober 2019 um 20:49

31. Oktober 2019 um 20:52

Super Peter, sounds great and me seems it's perfect for this nice rainy day !! :) <3 :)
31. Oktober 2019 um 22:25

31. Oktober 2019 um 22:38

1. November 2019 um 03:00

Electronic Sessions mit Drums, Percussion and Tasten:
Dreamy Traveler (no bass)
Stella In Da House
Stuck in a Loupe
Rue the Day
Cosmic Vomit
Stitches Bruise
714 Lemon Street
PullBack ( Percussion )
Rain Drops
Rim Shot
Mind Bobble
Sand Dunes And Submarines
Running-Slatted White Door 7" Remix
Rubber Band Scot
Sylver Baby (Key1)
Tones, Bells, Drums, and Whistles
In a Flash
Dark Island
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