A Return to New Nations
There really is no time like the present, yeah?
Lately I've felt that I can really be present with myself when I sit at the piano. I can listen to the notes. Fresh. The same notes I've heard and played before but this time, new.
I had let a very cold and cruel voice in my head keep me from playing, keep me from creating. Not today. Today, I win.
The piano solo in the middle is inspired by Brad Mehldau. Yes I ...
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Cabinet for Electric Guitar
169 €
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31. Mai 2021 um 18:32
This is simply masterful Devine! It is open to complete creation with any instrument !!! <3:) I will try something with drums or bass, as inspired! ;)
31. Mai 2021 um 18:15
31. Mai 2021 um 18:55
31. Mai 2021 um 20:08
Love all the stories behind each chord :) Thank you so much for sharing Devin ;) it's marvelous !
31. Mai 2021 um 19:28
1. Juni 2021 um 04:30
1. Juni 2021 um 04:39
1. Juni 2021 um 18:01
4. Juni 2021 um 21:39
30. Juni 2021 um 11:24
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