Split Personality
Thanks Ezio,Dirk and Ron :W:W HH ride again :D:D I was about to go up the track with Ezio and Dirk, but Ron crossed our path, bringing a good saddlebag full of groceries :D
28. Oktober 2021 um 04:03

Groceries? 👀 🍽️. Magic jam amigos, wonderful music gents. When I'm in the old age home I'm going to listen to these jams and remember these times fondly <3
28. Oktober 2021 um 21:52

:D:D Thanks Dirk,amigo :W:W je,je,je!!! Groceries? LoL!!! víveres en español ,no? :o:o Amazing Band HH get moving :Y:Y
29. Oktober 2021 um 00:58

Sí, en tu descripción dijiste que Ron se presentó a la mermelada con provisiones. Tenía hambre y eso suena bien.
HH Get MOVING! It's time for H H V I C T O R Y +1
HH Get MOVING! It's time for H H V I C T O R Y +1
1. November 2021 um 21:50

2. November 2021 um 00:21

28. Oktober 2021 um 06:43

28. Oktober 2021 um 21:53

28. Oktober 2021 um 08:10

28. Oktober 2021 um 21:53

28. Oktober 2021 um 11:41

28. Oktober 2021 um 21:54

Rock Sessions mit Drums, Gitarre and Sequenzer:
Papa's Gun (full track)
Flying Horses 3
The Delivery Team
Impact Resistant
~ Obliged to Awaken ~
Split Personality
Sloe Gin - G4
Political Overdose
Traffic Jam
Grinding Me Down
Error news
The Hum of a Gibson
Cats swatting at Dogs
The Beggar's
Good old R'n 'R
A Little Ago
Power Of Love With HD Gtr
Mach Interview - Phase I
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I love this place!! its all about the music&supporting eachother nothing else!! :)