The Beaker Overflows
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Intriguing Template from Mikey. Added some Delayed acoustic guitar, a vibrating knife and a tape measure drawn out and returned.
28. Januar 2023 um 22:09

now I am curious, after having read your "ingredients", an "Delayed acoustic guitar, a vibrating knife and a tape measure drawn out and returned" :) Wow. You're in the Sound Sample Laboratory :) that is highly creative and the outcome - I love it! :W:W:W big adventure
29. Januar 2023 um 11:30

Thanks hartmut I use whatever is on the desk (paper knife and tape measure) and of course the guitar:D
28. Januar 2023 um 23:57

29. Januar 2023 um 11:28

Electronic Sessions mit Tasten, Percussion and Gitarre:
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