Wakka Wakka
12. Mai 2023 um 07:13

12. Mai 2023 um 07:39

12. Mai 2023 um 07:57

12. Mai 2023 um 08:14

excellent bro, it sounds great, what weight does the guitar take when you are marking the riff, great work brother:W
12. Mai 2023 um 17:24

12. Mai 2023 um 11:54

Rock Sessions mit Drums, Gitarre and Bass:
Melissana ;)
Transposed -
A Star Went Out Tonight
The Argentine
Blueberry Guitar Jam
Wakka Wakka
Pony Ride -
Catbird Seat
The Man and the Satyr
Digging the Hole
3 Beer Punk
Danger Zone
Razorback (bass add)
Put Your Hands on it!
Hold My Beer ...
Stranded -
The Tortoise and the Hare
Grungy Blues
Ringer Rock!
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