Es gibt noch keinen Remix von dieser Session!
Not much to say really, except that I fell in love with Nuno's great track. Hope I didn't ruin it...
3. Mai 2015 um 21:46

cool sax line :) interesting tensions added ! imo the drums feel too much like a distraction and don't help the music ;)
3. Mai 2015 um 22:56

3. Mai 2015 um 23:46

3. Mai 2015 um 23:49

2. Mai 2015 um 20:51

2. Mai 2015 um 20:57

2. Mai 2015 um 20:58

Oh yes Milachica, this is a treat !
Now sorry if i disappoint you but ruin it ? How on earth could you ? NO WAY… ;) ;)
Playlisted, absolutely !! +1
Now sorry if i disappoint you but ruin it ? How on earth could you ? NO WAY… ;) ;)
Playlisted, absolutely !! +1
2. Mai 2015 um 21:05

Thank you Nuno! Even after 1000+ recieved thumbs, I will always doubt my playing a bit...
7. Mai 2015 um 10:07

Such a wonderful track! I guess I´ll have to put this on my "to add" list, if you don´t mind. :)
7. Mai 2015 um 17:01

If I don't mind? Hmmmm... let me think... Your add will probably be so insanely awesome that my soprano will start to sound like some amateur on a kazoo, so... :P
7. Mai 2015 um 17:01

7. Mai 2015 um 17:17

8. Mai 2015 um 14:33

8. Mai 2015 um 15:27

2. Mai 2015 um 21:32

All is GREAT but Iove phrase 1:11 to about 1:14 has just has so much soul setting up your expressive buildup!
2. Mai 2015 um 21:33

2. Mai 2015 um 21:38

Electronic Sessions mit Drums, Tasten, Sequenzer, Bass and Saxophon:
Beliebteste Electronic:
Wide Open
A Brief Respite (drums added)
Six T B Boy Celebrate
While We're Together
Farewell - amb guitar
Glance du Secret
Seeing Stars
Fun in the Lounge 🎶
Two Moons
Again, again
experimental dark vocals ethereal
Space Wrinkles
Anywhere You Go w Niklas & OliV
* Soli *
Secret Glance
Wide open (batt, drums)
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