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Showcases (and browser freezey stuff)

Showcases (and browser freezey stuff)

posted on #1
mpointon Supporter
Posts: 520
Joined: 27.02.2015
Hey Dick,

Thanks for your ongoing commitment to the 'Loops. Functionally, it just keeps improving with every iteration. How the hell you keep this place so up-to-the-minute with a day job beats the hell out of me. I can't even be bothered to do my day job half the time! But may I ask a couple of questions:

1) Showcases

I try to maintain my favourite tracks as part of my showcase (yeah, I know, we're all here to plug ourselves!). It seems you can only add to your showcase from the 'Tracks' tab and then clicking on the the star to add it. This requires a bit of finding and filtering to get the dates of the correct upload, etc.. Any thoughts or ideas how this could be made easier and, perhaps, less obscure? OR have I missed some magic button? Maybe I'm the only weirdo who rearranges their showcase on a regular basis?

Also, there's a limit on the number of showcase items? I can live with that, of course, but wondering whether the limit could be larger?

2) The Player
As a rule, I use Opera (yeah, I'm a bit non-standard in browser choice) but, as you know, is a WebKit browser like Chrome, etc., so should be pretty consistent (do Opera still claim 'ACID' compliance - I'm a bit out of date?). I also have Firefox and, on my Mac, Safari but I'm finding, when playing tracks - usually from their actual page rather than from the news feed - it hangs all other parts of the page. This happens in any of my browsers, Windows or Mac. Nothing responds, even links but the music happily carries on playing. Even a good old F5 (or Option R in the case of a Mac) has no effect. Killing the browser seems to be the only option.

Of course, in true tech support style, it only happens *sometimes*, not always. Recreating it is a matter of pot luck.

I realise the player is a third-party plugin and is probably the cause, but are you aware of this?

None of these are showstoppers, of course, but wondered if you could take a look?
posted on #2
Posts: 37
Joined: 31.08.2015
1) A search by name would safe a lot time. With 300 jams it's still not too much work scrolling down and down but some have 750+. Search-by-instrument doesn't fit completely since there is Mix and Sequencer and I don't remember it all, and if you want the remixes on your showcase, a search-by-instrument won't show for remixes, it belongs to the intrument you added.
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