April Funk+
23. August 2017 um 19:01

23. August 2017 um 20:43

22. August 2017 um 04:13

22. August 2017 um 04:44

22. August 2017 um 13:46

Fantabulous again :D awsome unison !! I am so gonna mix this take once ill be back home !!!
22. August 2017 um 21:59

5. September 2017 um 00:11

5. September 2017 um 07:08

francisco al
gostei dessa também; aqui o baixo e a guitarra e batera tá bem legal. bom trabalho de baixo haddock
5. September 2017 um 15:18

7. September 2017 um 17:46

Funk Sessions mit Drums, Gitarre and Bass:
Bassoline - Fuel the Groove
Bassoline to fuel the groove
- A Funky New Year -
You Wish (guitar)
Old Jam
blues funk
Ginger Beer, Lime & Vodka
Important Update!
Funky Reggae
Wool on Wood
Funky Kitchen
Mr Cool
Tequila, salt and lemon
My Funks Unplugged
Da Funk(feat. Alex Sarikov)
Fearless funk
🌊Admiral Rides the Permanent Waves
The drums at the end are mega!!!
Thera Funketyunkety
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My guitar sat in a corner. Then I discovered wikiloops and now, not one day has gone by that I haven't played it.