Lady's Heart
I thoroughly enjoyed this tune, I added a string ensemble pad. Great guitar playing Rob, beautiful and yet simple composition.
18. Februar 2020 um 16:00

18. Februar 2020 um 16:18

19. Februar 2020 um 13:28

19. Februar 2020 um 13:55

18. Februar 2020 um 15:06

18. Februar 2020 um 15:09

18. Februar 2020 um 16:19

18. Februar 2020 um 16:25

Very very good tone and playing Rob, well played and a simple approach that is very effective.
19. Februar 2020 um 12:30

18. Februar 2020 um 17:43

18. Februar 2020 um 17:50

18. Februar 2020 um 19:01

19. Februar 2020 um 00:20

19. Februar 2020 um 02:32

Classical Sessions mit Tasten and akustik Gitarre:
There For The Taking
Peaceful Mind
Falling Skies
Lady's Heart
Fall Shadows
Don't look back
After a while
Sad guitar and a depressed piano
What Loneliness
Ele nunca falhara
The Last Lullaby
Welcome In This Life
little steps II
Delirium with a musical box
Peace in our heart
the beauty of a sunrise
wikiloops online jamsessions are brought to you with friendly
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Wikiloops is a must for ageing musicians like myself ! It has given me something to look forward to every day ! I have made may new great friends !