Anywhere You Go
Es gibt noch keinen Remix von dieser Session!
A fantastic piece of music by the Peter's son Niklas, truly to be proud of, exalted by OlivBee's superb guitar and brought to heaven by Anne's magical Voice. Faced with this scenario, I asked myself what I could do to bring something more to this track already so wonderful in itself .... I don't know .... instinctively I decided to try to "dance" with the Hammond around Anne's Voice to enhance more of plus the beauty, the charme and ...
18. März 2020 um 18:22

19. März 2020 um 10:28

18. März 2020 um 18:26

19. März 2020 um 10:28

18. März 2020 um 18:27

Very cool take Stef :) nice groove ! i'm sure glad you had fun ! great to have you on this song ;)
19. März 2020 um 10:31

It was a real pleasure for me! Thanks to you, to Niklas and Anne for this beautiful opportunity! :)
18. März 2020 um 19:08

19. März 2020 um 10:31

18. März 2020 um 19:12

19. März 2020 um 10:32

18. März 2020 um 20:30

19. März 2020 um 10:32

20. März 2020 um 00:02

So good of you to bring this one back with a wonderful add from you that adds so much character.
20. März 2020 um 18:13

18. März 2020 um 22:07

19. März 2020 um 10:32

18. März 2020 um 22:36

WOO HOO!!! It's Christmas time. <3
:26 - your intro’s low throated dips and rises are just superb, Stef.
:58 to 1:06 - sweet sustains are so well suited for that spot
1:09 - minimal touches enhance the mood
1:53 – ahhhhhh, that opening up is so lovely
The delicate ending was most excellent
This re-working is a treasure trove of surprise sonic gems sparkling from their perfect positions, and I couldn’t be happier as your dance partner, Stef. Niklas, Pewi and Oliv issued such a beautiful invitation - thank you, All! +1
:26 - your intro’s low throated dips and rises are just superb, Stef.
:58 to 1:06 - sweet sustains are so well suited for that spot
1:09 - minimal touches enhance the mood
1:53 – ahhhhhh, that opening up is so lovely
The delicate ending was most excellent
This re-working is a treasure trove of surprise sonic gems sparkling from their perfect positions, and I couldn’t be happier as your dance partner, Stef. Niklas, Pewi and Oliv issued such a beautiful invitation - thank you, All! +1
19. März 2020 um 10:40

Oh Anne, it's always Christmas for me when I can play a song with you and it's so especially now in these dark moments for all of us! Thank you for your listening and your wonderful and accurate review! Thanks to you, to Niklas and OlivBee for this wonderful song! <3
12. Oktober 2020 um 15:17

Hi Stef, I have only just discovered your wonderful add, I am sorry for my delay:|! Many thanks, also in the name of Nikolas
12. Oktober 2020 um 16:43

Oh Peter, don't worry, you don't know how many times it happens to me. This piece is gorgeous. Fantastic job of Nikolas. Thank you so much! :)
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