Secret Glance
Here is the full version with Dan's Drums. Other version without any drums on #215326
12. April 2021 um 19:34

This was amazing without drums and is still stunning with! Can't get enough - just left looping, you play beautifully :)
13. April 2021 um 14:47

Yes loop it loop it, I have looped it myself for playing on :D
Such a nice track again, I don't know why we are in this "musical brothers" synergy but honestly, I appreciate that ! +1
Such a nice track again, I don't know why we are in this "musical brothers" synergy but honestly, I appreciate that ! +1
12. April 2021 um 19:45

12. April 2021 um 21:05

12. April 2021 um 22:00

12. April 2021 um 21:20

12. April 2021 um 22:00

12. September 2022 um 00:26

3. September 2024 um 23:23

Electronic Sessions mit Sequenzer and Gitarre:
Kicked In The Head😱
Submerged ෆ
Drop a name
Rodger's Nails
Raven without Drums
Rest In Space
Higher Clouds
Rising Up⤴
Secret Glance- No Drums -
RokTronik v2.0
Betamax without Drums
Hot Fudge Cake
Climbing Down The Walls
Climbing Down The Walls
Fly Free Butterfly
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